Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Week 9

Essential question: What assessments will I use in my UBD Unit, and what is the purpose of these assessments?

For my unit, the first assessment I will use is a classroom poll. When the class does the poll, they will go online and go to a url that I provide. The answers that are chosen will show on my computer screen and we can go over them as a class once they have all been answered. Below is an image of what it could look like when answered.

The second assessment is a self-evaluation. I choose this because “we want our children and adolescents to be the self-assessors of their work, dispositions, and goals” (Desautels, 2014).

Book Title:
1.       Researching and creating this book was (Hard   Easy) to complete because

2.       The part of creating this book that I did the best was ____________________

3.       I could have done a better job if ______________________________________

4.       The technology I used in this process included ___________________________

5.       After completing the book, I felt____________________________________

6.       Working with my group went ________________________________________

7.       I would rate my work on the book as (Excellent   Good   Fair   Poor) because

I use a lot of formative assessments when teaching in the elementary school. One reason for this is because “tests are not real measurements of what matters most in education” (Wheatley, 2015 p.15). We have to make sure that students see the power of leaning and that it is much more than a grade. Test can also be a big stressor and cause students to consider cheating. When setting up the classroom environment maybe consider that “it would be pointless to cheat if you were interested in the learning itself” (Kohn, 2015). Talking about how learning is one of the most important things within the classroom and how to make it the highest priority.  

Alber said, “low-stakes assessments are really the most important and useful student data” (2011) and shores stated that, assessments “are powerful instructional tools for improv- ing the learning of students” (2009 p.34). If an assessment is used correctly it is nothing but beneficial for teachers and students. The teacher should make sure that the assessment is being used to better understand were students need more support and in what areas they have mastered the content. When looking at the school year as a whole it might be beneficial to look at it with the idea of “You just need a formative assessment toolbox, and you need to use it every day” (Davis, 2015).


Alber, R. (2011, December 06). 3 Ways Student Data Can Inform Your Teaching. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from

Davis, V. (2015, January 15). 5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from

Desautels, L. (2014, August 13). Self-Assessment Inspires Learning. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from

Kohn, A. (2015, March 26). Who's Cheating Whom? Retrieved March 22, 2017, from

Shores, C., & Chester, K. (2009). Using RTI for School Improvement : Raising Every Student’s Achievement Scores. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin.

Wheatley, K. (2015). Factors that Perpetuate Test-Driven, Factory-Style Schooling: Implications for Policy and Practice. International Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Educational Research Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 1-17.


  1. That’s great that you included your assessments. I didn’t do that. One of the major changes I have made in recent years teaching Algebra and Geometry is having an assessment every Wednesday, no matter what. I haven’t given a mid-chapter test, or end of chapter math test in years. The assessment would be covering the lessons we have covered since the last Wednesday. I also allow the students to use their homework assignments, notes, and calculator on these assessments. I want to think they have less stress, but it doesn’t seem to. Kids just stress about tests. I hope you get some clickers for your class. It’s great to have them, but I need to begin using them on a regular basis. You first assessment example is perfect for clickers!

    1. What your doing with the test and assessment sounds really good. The fact that you let them use notes, calculators,and homework seems like it would relieve stress. I have not heard of many math classes that do not have end of the chapter tests, so that is definitely a start. You should totally try to involve the clickers more often.

  2. I love how you use a lot of formative assessments in elementary. A lot of times I feel like quizzes and test are given and as a parent I appreciate formative assessments. Do you always create your own assessments like the ones you have provided for your rubric? Have you considered using a voice recording option for those students who have a difficult time with writing. I am trying this in my unit. I have found for just a select few this option is helpful. Also great job pointing out how helpful low stakes assessments are. I agree they need to be used more often to guide instruction. I am getting better at this myself. Shauna

    1. I think that formative assessments can give so much more information on what a child can actually do. I do usually make my assessments, but sometimes I will find one in a workbook, that seems to go with the unit. I have not used a voice recording, but I would definitely try it.

  3. Chelsea,
    I like your idea of using the Classroom Poll App. I love that it is a group activity but the individual grade is only seen by the teacher and student. This is a great tools for pre and post assessments to measure students growth during a lesson plan. Great post.


  4. Yes, I would like to figure out a way to compare the pre assessments and post assessment to see if students progressed in that way.
