Sunday, April 16, 2017

Week 12 Reflection

Leading twitter this week went better than I expected. I thought it was going to be hard to think of more questions, but it was fairly easy. It was good to work with a different person so that I had a new perspective and experience.
This week was an all-around busy week. I was able to comment on Gerald’s blog and talk about how I thought it was great the way he structured his assessments. He is going to give a post test, reteach anything that was missed and then have students do a performance task. I also commented on Jim’s blog and talked about how it was good that he took pictures of his class for evidence. I did not think about it before hand, so all I have is screen shots of work.
This week made me realize how important it is to look at rubrics before you start an assignment. I did not take enough pictures and I should have thought about it. Hopefully I can learn from it and remember to go over rubrics with students before the project or task is started.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Week 12

Essential question: What evidence am I collecting for my final project – and for what purpose? 
When I first started teaching this unit I was not thing so much about evidence. So, I am going to have to get kind of creative. I tried to take notes after each lesson, so hopefully that will help. I took a screen shoot of a couple different book pages that L made and the purpose of these is to have a visual representation of the work she did.
 I also have the results of the pre and post test. Something that I like about pre and post tests is that the teacher can really see exactly what long term learning has happened. L got 50% of the questions correct on the pre-test and 90% correct on the post-test. It is great to see what lessons she really absorbed and what lessons we could have worked on a little bit more. I also did a book rubric once the book was done, but she had very little interest in it. At first, she liked the smiley faces, but it did not seem like she cared what they represented. The purpose of the rubric was to help L see what she needed to include in her book and it worked for that part. I would reference it when she asked a question about what she needed to have in the book the idea of it giving her feedback on how she did on the book was where it was not as well received. In the future, I would like to make a rubric with the class, so that everyone understands what is required and how they can do their best work.
 I think that evidence would have been more abundant if I was teaching an entire class. In this instance, I only have one student and no one to compare or contrast her work to. Hopefully I will have enough evidence/data to write up a complete reflection.